Miss Five Learns Cooking at German Pool’s Kitchen

2016-07-10 Event Share

The bold, coquettish Christine Ng Wing Mei “Miss Five” always considers herself a tasteful woman having a fine taste in both men and food. In Cable TV’s latest programme, Miss Five has proved her taste to you. Apart from “dating” the most attractive men in the city, the well-known actress has attempted a breakthrough: learning from the reputed chef Ricky, Miss Five cooks for the very first time in the German Pool kitchen, creating 13 delicious dishes in total! Due to excellent viewership and popularity of the show, 7 more episodes has been added to the TV series starting from 9th July. The audience is able to continue to enjoy Miss Five’s outstanding (or outrageous) performance for 7 more weeks!

If you are interested in knowing about how Miss Five learns cooking using German Pool’s quality kitchen appliances such as the Halogen Cooking Pot, Auto Power Switch Multifunctional Health Cooker and Ultimate Rice Cooker, challenging herself while she and her guests reveal their hearts, please do not miss out!

Programme Details
German Pool Presents: Miss Five’s Show
Christine Ng Wing Mei, Howard Chan
Show Time:
Sat 10:30pm
Cable TV Entertainment Channel HD212 / 12
Official Website:
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