Frequently Asked Questions

UVC##Smart##Clothes Drying Rack##Laundry Drying##Air Dry##Blow Dry##Heat Dry##Hanging laundry##Disinfection

helpHow does the sterilization function of the Smart UVC Clothes Drying Rack work?

Category: Anti Virus and Sterilization Series
Product: ADR-289
Importance: star_ratestar_ratestar_ratestar_rate
Difficulty: star_ratestar_ratestar_rate
The Smart UVC Clothes Drying Rack is equipped with UVC lights to effectively kill bacteria and prevent mildew. Strong UVC quickly and efficiently destroys bacteria’s and microorganism’s DNA structure, thus killing common bacteria and viruses including E-Coli. and S. Aureus and preventing mildew from growing. Also, Heat Dry Mode can help eliminate bacteria and mildew on clothings to keep them fresh and clean. Even during heavily humid seasons, clothes can be kept dry and fresh, carrying no musty smell created by mildew.

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