Frequently Asked Questions

helpHow is the Professional High-Speed Food Processor different from regular baby food maker or processor?

Category: Food Processor
Product: PRO-15 PRO-11 (TM) PRO-ZD801 PRO-9S PRO-12S PRO-6SS PRO-L10 PRO-11 (LX) PRO-10S PRO-16 PRO-V10 PRO-P10
Importance: star_ratestar_ratestar_rate
Difficulty: star_ratestar_rate


The Professional High-Speed Food Processor is made for multi-purpose. You can make complementary food for infants with the preset Bisque and Sauce programme. There are also programmes for vegetable juice, soy milk, fish soup, ice cream, smoothie, and more.

It is an all-round machine for your whole family, suiting the preference and needs for everyone.

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