Bunny Coconut Milk Pudding

Less than 30 min
Ingredients(Yield: 6-8 puddings):
200ml coconut cream
200ml milk
50g sugar
10g gelatine powder
Sprinkles as desired
Tool :
1 cake mould
1 bunny cookie mould
Add 2 tbsp of water into gelatine powder. Stir until becomes gelatin solution over a hot water bath.
Add coconut cream, milk and sugar into the Cordless Temperature Control Health Kettle. Press 90℃ button and boil until sugar is dissolved.
Remove the Health Kettle from the power base. Stir in gelatine solution.
Transfer solution into cake mould and let cool. Refrigerate until set. Remove. Shape into bunnies with cookie mould. Serve.
It is very convenient to pour coconut juice directly from a Cordless Temperature Control Health Kettle into different mould.
**Information provided is for reference only. Actual cooking time and temperature are subject to food portion and personal preference