Grilled Eel

Approx. 30 min
Eel1/2 (around 400 g, halved in the middle)
Salad vegetable leaves12
Sesame leaves12
Garlic12 slices
Kimchi200 g
Shredded ginger80 g
Korean Chilli Sauce2 tbsp
Salt1 tsp
Rub salt on the eel evenly. Set the Multifunctional Steak Grill to medium-low heat and grill the fish until the skin is crispy and the meat is cooked through. Remove from grill and cut into small pieces. Serve with salad vegetables, sesame leaves, raw garlic, Kimchi, shredded ginger, and chilli sauce according to personal preference. Done.
Koreans believe that eels are highly nutritious and help the body to replenish nutrition especially in summer. It is important to remove the secretion and clean the eel thoroughly before cooking. Seasoning with salt is sufficient to bring out the natural flavour of the eels. Processed eels have high salt. It is better to choose fresh and home-made eel with little seasoning to reduce salt intake.
**Information provided is for reference only. Actual cooking time and temperature are subject to food portion and personal preference